WCI Members enjoy exclusive night tour on Special Exhibit “KUKAI” in Nara

2024年05月31日 | Waizu Club International (WCI)

Members of WAIZU Club International participated in an exclusive night-time tour to appreciate exhibits of a special exhibition to mark the 1250th anniversary of Priest Kukai, which has been held at the Nara National Museum in Nara.

The tour was held on May 20 especially for the members of the WCI and was participated by 11 people from three countries including the United States and Russia. They enjoyed seeing mandalas and many artifacts at the exhibition, titled “KUKAI―The World of Mandalas and the Transcultural Origins of Esoteric Buddhism,” with detailed English explanation by a museum staff.

One of many must-see exhibits is a set of five seated statues “The Five Wisdom Buddhas,” of which statue of Dainichi Nyorai are placed in the center, surrounded by four different statues of Buddha in four directions.

“I found the mandalas very impressive and colorful,” said one of the participants. Another participant was impressed with sensitive details of mandalas, saying “I would like to know more about them.”

「『空海』特別展 夜間鑑賞 WCI会員ら11人が参加 カラフルなマンダラに感動」の記事はこちら


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