Foreign participants experienced making udon noodles from flour at the Gourmet Kineya Headquarters in Osaka

2024年04月12日 | Waizu Club International (WCI)

On 6th April, Waizu Club International  held “The Udon Noodle Making Experience Event” at the headquarters of Gourmet Kineya (Suminoe Ward, Osaka City), a restaurant chain that operates hand-made udon restaurants.

A total of seven people, including international students from Thailand and Benin, American businessperson living in Japan, and Japanese members of Waizu Club, took on the challenge of making udon noodles while being taught by a skilled udon chef.

At the event, participants learned how to make chewy Sanuki udon noodles. First, add water little by little to the flour and gently knead to form a dough. After that, they stamped the dough with their feet forcefully to finish. In the process of cutting the dough with a mechanical knife to make the noodles, it was difficult to cut the noodles to a certain thickness, so participants laughed together as they cut the dough too thin or too thick. The finished noodles were boiled by the chef and everyone tasted them. The participants enjoyed so much, saying, “It’s chewy and delicious.”

「外国人参加者が小麦粉からうどん作りを体験 大阪のグルメ杵屋本社で」の記事はこちら


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