Night at the Museum – Kyoto National Museum ‘Waizu Club International’ officially started!

2023年12月08日 | Waizu Club International (WCI)

The Yomiuri Shimbun, Osaka launched a membership organization, ‘Waizu Club International’ (WCI), which introducing the appeals of cultures in Japan, especially in Kansai area to foreigners living in Japan.

As a memorable first event, WCI held the exclusive viewing of the Special Exhibition ‘Tōfuku-ji Monumental Zen Temple of Kyoto’ at Kyoto National Museum with a 90-minute curator’s commentary on 10th November.

About 30 participants including consulate officials, cultural organization staff, businesspersons and international students who have roots of 6 countries and regions enjoyed precious treasures of Zen temple.

Guided by Researcher Michihiko Mori of the museum’s curatorial department, participants appreciated calligraphy and portraits related to Enni, a high priest known for founding Tofuku-ji, a large Buddha statue symbolizing Tofuku-ji, which was once a huge temple, and ‘The Five Hundred Arhats’, a representative work of Kissan Minchō, a master painter in Muromachi period (1336–1573).

A Chinese participant teaching Chinese Quin in Osaka said, ‘I was fascinated by calligraphy and paintings derived from China’ and an Indonesian one said, I like the realistic expressions of carved wooden Buddha statues, unlike the stone Buddhas of my homeland’ with twinkling eyes.

We, Waizu Club and Waizu Club International, are planning some attractive events such as a Rakugo viewing with multilingual subtitles for both of Japanese and foreign members, which will be held on 2nd March 2024. For inquiries, please email Waizu club International Secretariat at

「『わいず倶楽部インターナショナル(WCI)』スタート 東福寺展を夜間鑑賞」の記事はこちら


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