Join Waizu Club International!

2023年11月27日 | Waizu Club International (WCI)


Deepen your enjoyment of Japan and the Kansai region in particular by joining Waizu Club International (WCI), a membership organization for foreign residents of Japan run by the Osaka head office of The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper.

How to Join

There are no fees, and anyone aged 18 or older who is a resident of Japan and has a foreign nationality is welcome to join.

If you have any questions, please contact the Waizu Club at the Yomiuri Shimbun Osaka Head Office at

Please Click Here for registration.

Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy

Please Click Here for Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy in English.


WCI provides a wealth of information on traditional and modern Japanese culture and sports – members receive notices of exhibitions, events, travel products and much more sponsored by the Yomiuri Shimbun Group. They also have chances to interact with Japanese members of WCI’s sister organization, the Waizu Club.


Our aim is to bring together the people of Japan and foreign residents of this nation, to deepen their mutual understanding and ensure that Kansai is a comfortable place to live and work for people from abroad. We also seek to promote the multifaceted attractions of Japan and the Kansai region to the world ahead of the Osaka-Kansai Expo in 2025.


  • 新聞のちから
  • 休暇村
  • よみうりカルチャーOSAKA(大阪よみうり文化センター)
  • 学ント
  • 大阪読売サービス
  • すくすく新聞
  • サカイ引越センター